23 February, 2011

[JP] Is Hedi Slimane back to YSL??



この噂は、Kenzo PRのツイッターでのつぶやきから広まり、そのつぶやきはもう削除済みだが、「フランスの有名ブランドのデザイナーが交代するというビッグニュースを聞いた。そのブランドはつい最近CEOが退任し、今度はデザイナーが、“ここ数年ファッション業界にはいたが、デザインの現場から離れていた誰か”に変わる」という内容だった模様。



Is Hedi Slimane back to YSL??

According to Elleuk.com, rumours that Stefano Pilati will present his last collection for Yves Saint Laurent at the Paris Fashion Week which is held from 2nd of March.

Thanks to Kenzo PR's tweet, already deleted though, it read 'Just heard BIG news about this being a certain designer at an established French fashion houses last season and being replaced by someone major!', and followed 'CEO has just left and now the designer replaced by someone who has moved away from design the last couple of yrs but stayed in fashion.'

It really seems to point Hedi Slimane!!! 

Although YSL has not  been released any comment on this, If it's true, it must be one of the biggest fashion news of 2011!!!

I can't wait to see Hedi's sharp design again!

Source: Elleuk.com

12 February, 2011

[JP] The Kooples


今回はフランス発のブランド「The Kooples」について。

今週、パリにちょっくらユーロスターで行ってきました。そこで出会ってしまったのがこのThe Kooplesというブランド。


The Kooplesは2008年にスタートして仏ブランドで、ミリタリーエレガンス、英国テーラリング、ロックミュージックからインスパイアされたデザインの洋服を展開してます。このブランド、もの凄い勢いで成長しておりまして、なんとフランスではすでに70店舗以上(しかも30店舗以上がパリに!)、イギリスでも6店舗展開してます。しかもアメリカと日本でのオープンも視野に入れているそうで、日本にオープンしたら売れる予感。






The Kooples

This week, I visited Paris for 2 days and found my new favorite french brand, The Kooples!

The Kooples is a french brand established in 2008. Their inspirations of the design  are military elegance, British tailoring and rock music. The brand is growing rapidly and now they have over 70 stores in france (over 30 stores in Paris!) and 6 stores in the UK.  Now, they aim at opening shops in the US and Japan, and I'm sure it's going to be popular if they open shops in Japan!!

Well, although I knew they opened the shop on Carnaby Street last year and saw ads at the tube stations, but I've never been to the shops. In Paris, there are so many The Kooples shops and I just poped in to check the sale items.

The items are based on black and white, and the beautiful slim silhouettes with a twist of military clothes look elegant & mode. I love their design and they are great as daily clothes!

Also, the price is quite affordable, the shirt on sale (which I got) was only 65 euros. Of course, it's higher than high street retailers, but if I consider the quality and the design, I think it's worth it. 

Here's some look from the latest collection.

07 February, 2011

John Lawrence Sullivan Autumn/Winter 2011

From Spring/Summer 2011 season, John Lawrence Sullivan designed by Arashi Yanagawa has changed the location for his collection from Japan Fashion Week to Paris Fashion Week.

For the latest Autumn/Winter 2011 season, John Lawrence Sullivan presented the first catwalk show last month.

The theme of this collection is "a man has elegance". Tailoring suits and coats with beautiful silhouettes showed this theme from the beginning to the last. 
And this season, he  used  various check patterns with red, blue and grey. 
The collection itself is quite basic but I felt "elegance" from his challenge in Paris.

I hope that more and more talented Japanese designers challenge the world, not satisfying with their position in Japan.